The Dodo Bandits are not only meddlesome marauders, they are passe.
After all, why pose as a Dodo when one can realize that one is- a Dodo & appreciate THAT.
How great it is to empathize with Dodos, it is a space time, relativistic, issue.
Perhaps even a "time to encrust cities & suburbs in solar panels & buy that electric car" issue.
So, do try to be good to your supergalactic Dodos & Rattlesnakes, especially since the Rattlers
are still- around, REMEMBER a little observation & MEMORY goes a long, long, way. Okie dokie I'll remember that..
Our imaginary soundtrack is Patti Smith's masterpiece
LAND. There are 2, you will just have to figure out who is who.
Why always do something that you can always take a photo of, or lie about (the 'truth' is much more original),
or repeat, why be pure ego, or complete absurdity, or.... Why not try a plunge into the deep pools present among us in our world,
pools of original thought, creativity, inquisition. So many realities, some more real than others, you decide, you decide. YOU.
"SIGH" That was such a VAGUE OPERA!!!
But I get it....
Yesterday and Today... One, Three, Five, 12 & so on.. That- that END is still unknown, my pocket watch has been broken for a month now & time is moving slower. You mean your sun dial..
No I mean my digital.
You mean your.. Pulse..
Your end.
What is all that stuff for?? What stuff..
Your stuff, that bag & those books, your trinkets, feathers & deer skulls, a skunk tail..
What the hell are you talking about..
What are they for, those THINGS, what do you use them for, what is their function??
GEE I don't know, to think, learn, live, be in motion, make a living? BE CREATIVE, TINKER...
Your like some sort of small god or something.. Making a living with skunk tails.
What does that make you? Just because I don't spend most of my time walking around dirty & naked does not make me less of a person.. I make a good living selling skunk tails.
So what god are you anyways thou who owns nothing..
A Dodo, not a bandit Dodo, a shadow universe Dodo.. A bouncy one.. Bouncing along forgotten and sooo remembered, dead and alive..
Alright I suppose now you are going to start one of your entertaining lectures..
Yes I am..
No.. Wait, yes they do.. Assholes.
The realm of the true, supergalactic Dodo is where liberation awaits.
& !!! Rattlesnakes, they, warn.
Don't tamper. Don't mess messy with the Rattlesnake, this is not some biblical/new age/ militant/ existential/imperialistic hogwash either, it's your streamlined precious mirror I am talking about. You know that one, that mirror you look into, forever, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, what else, all else.. Then it goes even deeper as in is this even my mirror is this a mirror to another mirror.
That is a bit far fetched..
Or, is it the mirror of truth where for the first time you realize that you have alienated & brutalized every single person who came into your life that you actually admired!!
No I don't do that..
You don't??
Really?? A lot of people do that..
I know, that's why I don't do that.
The tv watching, the gossip, the strip malls, the rude tourist, the I'll live forever complex, the allergies to actual world events, the denial we have about our negative impacts upon the world, the delusional manipulation repeatedly projected as sincerity in order to wipe out any perceived threat to one's ego aka 20th century capitalism, the obsession with boredom & nihilism, the not learning Arabic, that veiled hatred stuff called 'frienemies' or something like that, the I am too special for EVERYONE thing/disease, the pop culture influenced disappearance & degradation of our elders, the whole arbitrarily & utterly asinine nature of all male- sports teams, I could go on forever..
Living dead...
Aw comon now- someone has to be rich & put a monopoly on every single thing including human genes in order for someone to be poor, poorly educated, suppressed, & an obedient consumer.. Thus threatening to make us all- stupid earth killers.. SO EVIL!!
But---- how can you survive without being competitive WITH EVERYONE & having absolutely no fun & never applying all your book & autodidactic knowledge, experience & creativity??
I am friends with YOU right???
WOW YOU ARE A SMALL GOD!! We have fun.. Into the worm hole you go.. Dodo..
6 billion and going strong, small gods..
Yeah but remember when we visited 1234 A.D the population was the tiniest fraction of that!!!
& was it any better??
No, not, really but the air sure was FRESH!! & Chicken is sooo tasty in 1234 A.D, giant chickens the size of goats!!
Pffft... It is all getting better- the reason why the 2000's are actually interesting is that there are laws in place so that we cannot use only- our physical strength & our bodies in order to gain power, so we are increasingly seeing some fabulous brain power- the more liberated we get-- we will be in space yet!! We have to keep trying to free all of earth's 27 million slaves in the year 2008..
Don't you remember all the brutes chopping off the heads of babies & raping small children & family members in 1234 A.D???
Yes.. I do...
So-- this also connects to material value- the smarter we get the smarter our values get & it's less about things & more about learning, information, the resurgence of an interest in psychoanalysis that we are having now- art, our complicity in global politics, the lives of objects, etc..
Mirror mirror on the wall...
There is no god, the human species is the only species where mental illness is hereditary & that's why we actually think- we can figure things out. The fact is- any little good we have done has come from nature & observation, imagination & non- violence.
How astute. How crazy. Oh la la la.. Spit & shine Tiger..
Is this that bathroom- that is all mirror- that depending on my mood I either love or dread being in..
I love those crazy bathrooms.. DISCO TOILET!
Sure, that too.
I just wish that while I would sit in one of those crazy bathrooms that everything would echo, simultaneously..
HA!!! HA!!!
That would make a good short film..
Flush flush flush, burp burp then it's 9 dimensions all of a sudden "wait, was I in a bathroom??" HA HA HA...
I feel pain. I don't feel pain.
Both can make someone violent, too much pain can make someone angry & destructive, too little same thing..
I remember once, I was in the middle of the German / Soviet War, one soldier was beyond trigger happy & shot 5 innocent civilian men, 3 women & a small boy..
He started to walk up to another soldier who was right in front of a young Soviet woman who was injured & limping, he yelled to him, "shoot her, kill her, shoot her, now!!" the soldier lifted his gun to her forehead & she had absolutely no emotion...
He was so stunned by this, that he hesitated & mr trigger happy kept on yelling "shoot her, kill her, shoot her, kill her" & in a fraction of a second, he withdrew the gun from her forehead & shot his fellow soldier in the head..
She gasped, burst into tears & fell to the ground..
He picked her up and they ran away, into the fog, disappearing into the darkness..
Oh god.. That is really powerful... My focus, has mostly been pulsing & self quartering amoebas & undersea volcanoes... Wow.. What a story..
Cannot stand the precious emotional narcissism of this- time.. We have been suckers for bullshit & pointless waste of life for too long now..
The who is drunk & who is a 13 year old millionaire & ugh, too boring to list..
I think I know what your talking about, but not completely, the whole world is not like that.. You said yourself it's changing, it is changing, dramatically..
I am so glad that your world is rid of what my world is facing..
I did not mean that...But you did say yourself it's changing..
Yes, it's changing, I guess I am saying I like mental pain.
But that does not even really hurt.
Oh yes it can, are you kidding?
So you are into self sado masochistic mental pain.
No that is something else entirely, just mental- pain individualistic stoicism, I enjoy.
Do you have an example?
Hmm making a 320 page book comprehensive.
You like that?
Love it.
What other 'mental pains'..
I love a good challenge, I like new information.
I get along with, people or individuals with some sort of decent or excellent memory, either general memory, personal history, or attention to detail, or an appreciation for memory & even accuracy & a fascination for accuracy & inaccuracy.. & to not get all emotional over the issues surrounding their memories. I like to be challenged & I don't mind failing, I learn something & if they are the same way, it's a great mental
chess game to play sometimes. Gifted un bias observers are great..
Jane Goodall, wow..
Any way or how, I really admire those who have a great memory, they can sometimes do no wrong but they seem to care more about how they process their experiences.
I like to be around people who really care about how they process their experiences & information. Those who are not- in denial- in any way shape or form no matter the circumstances of their life.
I think, I do understand you & I do agree.. I like that too. Less, two faced quality, or at least they can say "I am so two faced right now, because, blah blah" yes that is interesting. A certain amount of denial is important to have though.
Yes but you know what I mean!!
Ow. Ooh. Ow.. Oh.
It sure is hot, what you think it's about 100.. Yes easily, a hundred degrees.
Sneezing up dust storms with hiss..
That was, one pissed off Rattlesnake...
Such ire, wicked crescent fangs!
We are taking about the future, the past, whatever....
Is it intentional?
You forget that you are a time traveler, this gets back to the memory thing I was talking about.
We forget.. We have to forget.
That is why we forget.
Now that is what I am talking about, shamans, warriors, paltry frauds, machines, blood, blood, blood... Horses dragging human beings with death dreams of the internet. It's just so sad because it's just those people who should be cut loose to leave an impression on the world.
Not always..
Some of the time!
Ok some of the time.
WARRIORS! I choose warriors...
Makes sense now. How to remember.
Ok ok I got you..Ow. Ooh.
Let's hide under a rock.
there is a reason for everything.
Are you sure about that?
Do you realize that there is a science to the venom that people, I mean we, carry around.
You mean POLITICS?
Yes & No.
Interesting and I agree but- what is this now stuff?
Now?? Do you remember May 31st 1710?? Yes I remember when we went there-- that was some supergalactic Dodo, you did not get the Dodo thing quite yet either, but I had some things to learn from you...
Remember, "HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE"? Yes!!! You still agree with it??
OH YES!!!! If that's your reality, what do you expect.
It's not ALWAYS the case, but generally if it's true then one really has no choice..
It's all this intention crap people are babbling about lately.
On a simplistic level it's true.
Sorry to change the subject- but
do you know that the light packets that travel to & fro every single person's eyes, are as unique as snowflakes & that this means that every being that has ever been sees the world in a completely unique way??
How sentimental....
Is this the same for other species?
I hope so.
Very few people care about NOW, but soon they will start caring about NOW, much more than usual, which is good I think because it just makes us all the more interesting..
What is this reason bullshit?
REASON!! No one cares about reason.
Of course they do.
Well, soon they will.
"Reason for everything..."
Not that reason!! But, I like that reason too.. It's true & false.
& Everything my ass! I am counter everything.. Everything is too inverted..
Rationalist or Empiricist??
Oooh that's a toughie.. How about both!!
You can't do that..
Oh yes I can, I am..
No you can't.
Oh yes they can...
I thought we were in a desert.....
We are in a desert..
So aren't we a bit more free out here living like lizards in 100 degree temps, as opposed to being lost in the middle of the Greek empire?
Yes. But which is more fun, more 'egotastic'?
It's more interesting and fun here.
I am really sick of , I've had enough of 'egotastic' it's getting really old..
Yes, here you get to run around dirty, crazy and naked..
I don't have to make sure with anyone if it's OK with them if I go & piss off a cliff.. & scream into the wind " YIPEEE OI OI OI YOOKIE YOOKIE YOOK!!"
See it is better here than in the Greek empire.
Not better or worse just, different. 'good lonely'.
What ever you say...
People pee off of skyscrapers all the time anyhow.. & they are 'LONLIER'.
That word does not exist..
So I invented it?? NEAT!
I wonder if that eye packet situation we have all gotten ourselves INTO has to do with data mining or the observer.
Good question.
Or strange attractors.. Or biological hallucegens.
Or nothing.
Or everything..
This is the thrilling exciting part.
We are- in the middle of the desert.
This is the very thrilling exciting part.
This is the truly thrilling exciting part.
We are in the middle of the desert.
If you repeat yourself one more time I think I will vomit on my boots.
This is the excruciating part.
I knew- you had no thrills whatsoever.
We take ourselves much too seriously. It's a sham, a waste.
Oh is that it now..
Could be..
The more silly & less violent we get the smarter we become & the better our sense of humor..
AH! I see..
Strap those bone crushing boots on & prepare to fuck yourself up with the truth.
"Fuck yourself up, with the truth." Ugh you are awful.
A saint!!!!!!
Death to Saints. Now look at that rock formation, far far away you see that small group of people? Yes.. They are leaving candles & food & flowers for the vision of a saint in the rock face.. Which saint? I have no idea, shit, I wish I knew.
Me too, humanity is disgusting.
But it's not, we need ritual, those same people can easily pick a bone with us.
Yes but do they have a good memory.
I am sure some of them do, and stories too, I love storytellers.. There is a great deal of truth in the stories that storytellers tell..
It's likely some of them might have a better memory.. Like a story of the cosmos, about the Uroboros.. Did you know that the ancient & culturally universal symbol of the Uroboros is an actual cosmic event, as in pelastration & tunity??
Let's get ready to get on up & climb right up that 'preventing useless acts of head chopping' flag pole.
There is an idea..
I am so excited.
Take yourself seriously, very very seriously.
We have company. The Dodo Bandits, see them over there?? Further on, behind the saint worshipers..
Robbing the banks & shooting the friendly fun & innovative smiling villagers & 'Townsfolk' ?
It's a party.
It's not a party.
It's not pretty.
Fuck Face & Mosquito Prick ARE THERE!
What kind of names are those??!!!!!
Are you insane? Can't you watch your language?
We have robotics meddling with poor language.
& yes, I am insane, I do believe that is what separates us from other species, the 'insane gene', very practical for some functions, disastrous for others.
That is a town of Cobblers....
Do they make good shoes.
The best..
Good people, too bad, they are destroying the town.
Those nasty, nasty, nasty, nasty, boring violent Dodo bandits.
I find the saint worshipers much more fascinating.
No no no they can also be- just as dangerous, they could slit your throat if you even dare come near that 'vision' & mess with it...
I cannot BELIEVE that those are their names.
Well fly a kite because those are their names and they are the Dodo Bandits..
Wait.. Just give me a moment.
I am so excited.
You are excited 24 hours a day, how do you do it??
Knowing I am alive, it, freaks me out, makes me excited..
Are you sure it's not because you are around small children all day at the orphanage, 3 days a week?
Could be..
I am so happy you don't smoke cigarettes anymore.
Smoking is a suicide wish. Appalling habit. Odd thing is I've noticed that so many great people smoke. I miss Peter Jennings, a whole lot.
Oh my I as well.
Tae kwon do master.
Map maker. He was.. Dork. Right....
Hey we all break the mold how about that!!!!
ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you are in another century, I LOVE IT!!
Did you know that the earth screams & shrieks & that this is a new discovery?
Truly? As in fact?
Jacques Vallee must be happy!! ???
A multi - dimensional thing?
Well it certainly is not a deviant thing.
Oh you are so funny..
Or- a Dodo thing. It could be...
Could have fooled me!! Really, I thought Earth laughed! Chuckled...HAH!
Someone as talented as you needs to die.
ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF US BROKE THE MOLD!!!
We are under a rock.
The bandits are trouble. They are up to no good.
That one frequents strip clubs behind his wife's back, his friend could give any gossip columnist a run for their money.
They are not even weasels they are cretins, croutons, no toilet roll right when you shit.
Marriage is such an antiquity and farce. For some people o k but really. Love is extremely rare & takes great pains to find & achieve, it is the greatest achievement one can have in life however, problem is hate is older & stronger than love, so hate is so common, love takes practice, and great- sacrifice.. Great practice just like a gifted violinist- & now, when two violinists get together watch out, that is one big love storm or revolution about to happen.. Siva Kali forces ALIVE- true supergalactic Dodo forces......
Gays should be allowed to get married because it effects all our rights for the better.
Strip clubs in the fictional year 1895?
What do you expect this is a dramatic comedy in so, so many parts.
What is their story??
It's a long story, one that is hard to escape because it's on repeat, it's reincarnated, it is basically a tv sitcom for those fools that sit in front of the tube & relive the sitcom. It's a universal story. It's a story I'll make short.
Do not piss of supergalactic Rattlesnakes or pretend to understand THE VERY ELUSIVE NATURE OF THE TRUE DODO.
You mean Shrodingers cat?? Yes & no..
What makes the Supergalactic Dodo so special?
It has, Cosmic Amnesia..
WOW, ok I get it.. Go on..
The 3 Dodo Bandits....
They used to hate each other- , then one day they all pissed off a Rattlesnake, on purpose, for kicks, to get off on humiliating & harassing it.. Well they got bit, but they don't even realize it & they both walk around infested with very heavy karmic venom. They became friends & bonded over their humiliation of the Rattler..
& it shows...
Rattlesnakes are righteous. There is a Sioux Shaman I've got to introduce you to, who has a lot to say about the cosmic complexity & great importance of the Rattlesnake spirit & how, not to get bit..
Time is not, all that we think it is, there, is more..
The 3 of them, the Dodo bandits, are dangerous, because they are annoying & they distract from the great importance of the NOW. They are not even Ow or Ooh just more dread at Yawn.
Who is the third?
Fat heart.
Fat heart?? I'll be damned what a name..
Yes, Fat heart.
I would think that a Fat heart would actually need venom for some reason, it seems like a heart made of fat would find venom medicinal..
Not in his case, no.. But yes snake venom can be medicinal..
Fat heart pissed off the Rattlesnake for kicks too. He attracted the Rattlesnake with his flute playing, he promised the Rattlesnake a nice cool dirt hole to safely sleep in, in exchange for the spiritual protection of the snake.. Instead, he called it out & tried to trample it to death in an effort to outsmart the spirit of the Rattler.. Fat heart is a common fool.
He is long, lean & mean, his karma is so rotten he must be puking up maggots by now.
Where do you get this stuff from??
Maggots was a really good album..
It was NOT a good album.
People eat snakes everyday..
Yes, I know..
Even warriors eat snakes..
Is this some sort of 'special' Rattlesnake?
I guess, so!!! Read up on it, or we will go back in time, or go visit the Sioux in a while & learn a thing or two from them..
They say the brighter the vegetable the stronger the cancer fighting effects.
The Sioux?
No, the news..
That is true..
No butchers!! Oh please, we are all butchers.
Earth Butchers. Space Butchers. Snake Butchers.
You are either a good butcher or a bad butcher.
As it should be. Recycling butcher.
Have to give life as much as one takes life.
Just try eating a live snake.. Whhhhhooooooooooooiiiiy..Youch..
No way hozay.
Here they come, the DODO RATTLER SPIRITS to battle the Dodo Bandits..
KARMA flowing out from a giant cosmic vat in the sky, a soup of galaxies & super earths.
Meaning you mean?? Yes, well eat snakes all you want but there is cause & effect.
It's the HOW & the WHY that we need to think more of too.
Oh I know I should..
The two thousands are finally rolling out the red carpet.
So sharp so keen so worrisome. Ow. Ooh.
Are we going to visit the Sioux Shaman? Yes, we have a lot to learn.
Oh by the way, happy birthday Tiger, keep ticking, you are one of those 23's.
I am?
Yes 15 + 8 = 23..
Are you superstitious?
I think superstition is interesting..
Look- that is now no longer one pissed off Rattlesnake.
No? It's back??
It's curled up right- under your chair.. That is one peaceful caduceus.
Is it a 'Spirit Rattler'? What do you think..
I won't try to eat it.
What are we going to do about the Cobblers?
Rebuild the whole town, I guess. Grow some Roses & hold a few funerals.
& the Bandits?
They are messing themselves up, it's just a matter of time. You can't go around pointlessly flash freezing time, wiping out & destroying so much, well you can but it's not very original or rewarding.. Not, very, alive..
Curses, curses...
Perhaps in a different situation we could intervene & help them, but, I would not do a thing.
It's not necessary.. Hopefully they will just take responsibility, if not, oh well, but better late than never I say..
Jungle Book??
The men in the book in the treasure cave, who get so greedy that they kill each other?
Yes, that's it, exactly.
So it's like that?
It's happening right now..
Yes I can feel them fighting over everything right now.. They are even fighting for sanity..
Yes, sanity, as in are they even human anymore, are they even capable of doing the worst in order to succeed.. Competing on who is best at doing the worst.. It's awful.. Religions, financial transactions, institutions, politics, media, the sex industry etc.. They are also fighting for their sanity because the tide has shifted & now everything is changing, as awareness is now becoming more about who is best at doing the best, who actually has integrity.. All those Dodo bandits are trouble.. There are more than just the 3 I told you about, they are a franchise..
It's confusing for them to be confronted with more & more people taking on the challenges & new knowledge that comes with responsibility & consciousness..
Now is the time to understand what it truly means, to be alive, a conscious, thinking, individual. We will actually be, much more free than ever before the use of language & communications & discussions are becoming more useful & powerful & resourceful than ever before.. This is how things change, when we face & accept our complicity, find ourselves liberated & inspired by it.
This is why we are considering banning fast food.
Yes, can you believe it!??
Do IT!!
Awareness, & self awareness, is so incredibly beautiful & open.
Making mistakes & failing is important.. Or ideals & intelligences are shifting dramatically in order to attempt to sustain human life on this planet.
We have to be open to discussion in order to appreciate its many rewards, it's really that simple, we all have to talk more & explore all these realities & our complicity in them much more, no more exceptions no more taboos.. It will be, it is, really fascinating & interesting, global village, anthropological society-- a communications explosion.. Having an unbiased conversation is one of the most tech advanced things anyone could do, right now.
I hope we make it, do you think we will make it??
I really have no idea, but I think that,
as long as we keep calling ourselves out on our bullshit & keep heading in the direction of being thrilled by the variety, potential, diversity, possibilities & evolution of information.. If we keep learning from & applying what we discover of the amazing technologies of the natural world that exceeds our own.. Yes, I think so..
What do you think??
I think we are too stupid to figure all these things you outlined & that we wil crash & burn in outer space..
Ouch.. I have to say, that is, possible..
(Tiger & Owl notice something stirring atop a ridge)
What is that?
Over that ridge over there... To the left...
What is that hopping around???
Let's take a closer look..
It's, a Dodo!! "GASP"
A supergalactic Dodo...
What is that in it's mouth glowing..
What time did it come from??
August 15th 2008..