Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I recently watched Elem Klimov's awe inspiring & brilliant masterpiece 'Come & See' (also known as Go & Look)- Idi I Smotri..
& I was certain I spotted a familiar sight.

My friend, artist Robin Cracknell, produces incredible, one of a kind & mysterious works out of random discarded film clippings which were collected at the ICA Cinema in London. One needs to understand that each clipping has a long history & that when they were collected it was impossible for anyone to know which film they originated from, thus making each small clipping a complete mystery.
You can read more about him & view more of his amazing & vital works, here at Art Volume One.

In our most recent conversation we discussed the nature of the mysterious origins of his clippings & specifically of the origin of his piece of a house on fire.

"AV: I do love the quality of the scratches, tape & debris, very much.
Touched by time & again a sense of an inconceivable life lived before having been found by you.

The ‘house on fire’ work reminds me of Andrei Tarkovsky’s ‘Mirror‘.
Again, I wish I knew what film this is from!"

Robin watched Come & See & turns out that this particular Cine work of his, is- in fact from Idi I Smotri, the image is simply flipped. We are both in awe that it is from Idi I Smotri. I highly suggest seeing this brilliant film & I also highly suggest- getting to know Robin Cracknell's fascinating & important works.

I present here his Cine piece (it is also here- at Art Volume One) & the film itself- where one can see the image starting at 6:49 it is at 7:04, :05 etc..