Saturday, August 28, 2010

“The web of domination has become the web of Reason itself, and this society is fatally entangled in it.” - Marcuse

Humanity is the manifestation of an insatiable hunger for a variety of assimilations - you are only dangerous, simply, because you are real. - A.M.D



An excerpt from a short story by A.M.D.

☎ "What is her film about??"

"It's a 3 hour- time lapse film which is filmed from the roof of a building, a mosque actually- in Baghdad, in the center of war torn Iraq..."

( NOTE: "General David Petraeus, is said to be a “big supporter” of bringing Disneyland to Baghdad." )

"What happens??"

"There is no sound- except for when something violent occurs the film returns to a normal speed, for example a boy got shot in the head riding his bike into spontaneous cross fire, then you had sound.. When soldiers die the film slows to normal speed as well.. But then after the violence quells, it speeds up again.."

"Who shot the boy??"

"U.S soldiers... & it's a bit shocking how quickly the 'situations', or injuries & deaths, get 'cleaned up' with the film returning to its rapid fast forward pace.. I saw two people die in exactly the same spot & I don't think anyone would have realized this if it were not for her film.."

"What is it called??"


"??? What a title.."

"In her interview, what did she say it was about??"


"Who did she say was in the film??"


"??? - Did you watch the entire film??"

"Parts of it.. For some reason, right now at least- it can't be a full screening.."

"- h u hm -"

"Does it have an ending, did you get a sense of the ending??"

"I've heard from others that at the end of the film all there is- is a long written message to the Iraqi people, it glows on the screen for about 10 minutes & in complete silence.."

"What does it say do you know?? "

"I've got it partially written down on notes at home, taken from the interview- funny thing about memory, anyhow- something along the lines of "we never should have been there - or attacked your country, invade you for oil", blah, blah to the world & more horrible facts & so on....."

"What did you think of the film, the parts of it that you watched??"

"It scared the shit out of me- .."


"I don't know - why do you think, perhaps the surprising number of innocent people on 'both sides' whatever than means- who die right in front of your eyes??"

"How was she able to film it??"

"She robotically controlled a camera from the top of a mosque - & it was filmed over a four year period leading up to now.."

"Must have been hell to edit!"

"She says that nothing is cut out.. It's fast forward- time lapse - it gets blurred & frantic, in its moments of slowing down you get an increasingly nauseating inkling that soon it will stop.. The majority of the film is when it stops & that is too many times to count.."

"What is too many times to count.."

"I told you... - All the people that get murdered in front of your eyes.."

( 5 - 17 - 2010 )

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Once Again for The Possible Worlds

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“The web of domination has become the web of Reason itself, and this society is fatally entangled in it.”

“Obscenity is a moral concept in the verbal arsenal of the establishment, which abuses the term by applying it, not to expressions of its own morality but to those of another.”

Herbert Marcuse