Saturday, October 19, 2013


What if life is really just a Spielberg movie? As in the film: The Close Encounters of The Third Kind.. A man, Roy, is suddenly inspired by ‘mysterious signs’ which seem to point to some kind of ‘holy grail’ & ultimately he decides to escape his domestic life.. He meets up with an equally ‘inspired’ single mother who’s son was abducted by ‘aliens’. They both rebel- against ‘big brother’ & government control to reach their holy grail- the top of Devils Tower National Monument. It is the top of Devils Tower- where secretly, the government is really our friend & in contact with ‘god’ or/aka ‘aliens’...... In Spielberg’s western (& french cinema influenced) world, consumers- are dreamers & artists who actually believe in these signs & grails of other, beautiful life forms & possibilities speaking just to us- (aka the magical & healing touch of E.T’s glowing finger, time travel, immortality & a future filled with advanced A.I technology & computers)... & the government & the discovery of these ‘signs & beautiful & meaningful grails’ present us with the ‘spiritual & intellectual’ opportunities in life that we are ‘truly’ meant to achieve & experience.. Roy in Close Encounters finally meets with magical E.T’s & is chosen to voyage into space.. & in a ‘Spielberg World’ we envision that these types of ‘grails’ must be out there in some shape or form, hidden within our consumer landscape- & finally- once uncovered, these ‘signs’ will offer us rescuing & an escape from the material world we have created. &, we are so convinced——— that even with the daily decimation of the environment-, unimaginable human rights violations, our extremely shaky economy, our own superficiality, ignorance, hypocrisy & denial, that somewhere—, in this system, our holy grail: Devils Tower, E.T, time machine, computer wizard, or sacred iconoclast will come to rescue us & show us the way.. Or, what to buy.. HAH!!?? Don’t forget.. (sketch from 2010 catalog of sketches)