Sunday, December 29, 2013


(Added after posting: December, 30, 2013 To Protect & Infect Jacob Appelbaum IF YOU ARE A SENTIENT BEING ON THIS PLANET YOU MUST WATCH THIS: ----- /CALLAS /------ The NSA is everyones most unfathomably disturbing nightmare. Adding to their completely useless & unremarkable fascist skill sets today is 'uber-lurking': maliciously abusing everyone on the planet, our tax dollars, our rights & privacy, our planet & technology. Serious reading for the world citizen: 12/29/2013 Inside TAO Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit By SPIEGEL Staff 12/29/2013 Shopping for Spy Gear Catalog Advertises NSA Toolbox By Jacob Appelbaum, Judith Horchert and Christian Stöcker & see: The Mass Psychology of Fascism - Reich PDF - & added Jan 2 2014:

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


(In the original that was at postagon there's an image of Heyoka in the background) As of Monday, July 15th 2013, there has been no formal apology from the U.S. Government or the State of Minnesota to the Dakota & Ojibwa for events in which: "38 Dakota were executed on Lincoln's orders in the largest mass execution in U.S. history". I saw Stephanie first, her amplifying, powerful & sculptural features are hard to miss.. She was selling rubber & hand painted 'feather earrings' in varying sizes & geometric color patterns in blue, red & black as well as a stunning dream catcher I could tell was entirely made out of natural materials.. It was not available for sale but she agreed to meet me the next evening to offer up another.. This is when I met Scott. Scott, Stephanie & I sat at a table on the patio of Arcadia's.. Scott started to very thoughtfully & carefully construct the catcher in front of me from materials organized in his satchel... While creating the dream catcher, he simultaneously explained to me that the folds of amber brown & silky deer leather around the 'ring' also "holds my signature fold" & that the light amber 'web' was also entirely made out of deer (most knock-off catchers, have a 'snowflake web' & are either made out of fishing line or beaded fishing line).. I asked them if I could meet them a few times & write about them in order to shine some light on their history, culture, artwork & life, interweaving these stories into their work.. They agreed.. Stephanie was born & raised in Bois Fort, Nett Lake, her Ojibwe name is Morning Star, which was given to her by her aunt when she was an infant. "My reservation is small but there's plenty of nature & fishing.." Her mother Cheryl Little Wolf- taught her handicrafts when she was in the 4th or 5th grade & it was always understood to be a generational practice, handed down through the ages. Stephanie is Ojibwe, French Canadian & her great grandmother was Irish. Stephanie's father's side of the family comes from a long line of talented & successful artists & artisans, Clarence Day Sr. was a painter & she often thinks a great deal about a painting he made of a mother & daughter that is presently in storage.. Scott's history is not too distant from Stephanie's.. Scott was born in Red Lake, an indian reservation where at 12 he was taught trapping, painting, drawing, beading, ceramics & sewing at Red Lake Middle School. Scott is Ojibwe, Sante Sioux & Mexican & his magnetic, attentive & strong features intimately echo & overlay Stephanie's.. 6 years ago they decided to come to Minneapolis to pursue selling their artwork to locals who might be interested & they arrived prepared with all the necessary materials. They started simply & just asked people if they would like to own some handicrafts & the reception from locals & businesses has been very positive & supportive ever since. They let me know that they actually started to sell arts & crafts as a team 8 years ago at Cass Lake, & when interest built their desire to enter the city did as well.. They are very impressed that many people know a great deal about dream catchers & that this awareness has been a part of the culture for so long, but they also have no problems spending the time to inform initiates as to the significance, function & history of a dream catcher. Collectors have traveled from as far as California & Germany having heard of their wares by word-of-mouth. Obviously a dream catcher is at once symbolic of the cyclical & the necessity for the evolution of the cyclical as it relates to the natural ecology & network of a web.. Stephanie & Scott say that "the original idea was adopted by the natives from a spider web" & "it is believed that the idea was specifically- passed down from a spider". Stephanie & Scott are pro-sustainability, permaculture & sustainable labor, they are environmentalists & they do not own or drive a car. Scott made a common & valuable point about art production which struck me as incredibly similar to Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, in the sense that Scott has been "accused of manufacturing his dream catchers".. This could not be further from the truth, in fact there is an inexplicable & intuitive touch to his dream catchers, especially if you do not tell him who- they might be intended for.. I let him know that I related to his observation, its relationship to Benjamin as well as Benjamin's "On The Concept of History", & that there are countless parallels in the culture I & other artists have personally experienced & are oppressed by. Stephanie is incredibly poetic & lyrical when she gets to talking about GAIA, "Trees are where our oxygen comes from, you hear their voices breathing in the leaves..." Stephanie & Scott feel inspired & compelled by the intuitive, natural & supernatural, but they are strictly "against anything 'psychic' or new age".. Personality & the personal are specifics which effect the work that they do. You won't hear them bother to discuss politics, who the present president may be, what their agenda's are, etc, & don't bother asking them, because to them "it is just not worth talking about", especially when "one could make better use of their time, period". Stephanie will admit to having an attraction- to politics... "Everything that was thought up by man, who knows- if it wasn't.." I let her know my parallel to this- "That everything which is our creation is eventually networked & obviously networked into systems, sure-, but everything is also easily disproven, fictional & hypothetical, so why would anyone view any of these ideas or concepts as permanent..". We both nodded in agreement.. Stephanie takes it further: "There are people like you & then there's people who don't respect Native Americans & they assume they know all about our history & our views on nature & the cosmos, so why bother learning about us & our culture.. I wonder, where their aggressiveness comes from.." Once again we nod, in agreement.. She was in a park recently & discovered an unusual sight, a hand made cross made out of twigs & covered in spirals of bark, it was crude, but "the ideology mixed with natural materials was weird"... I ask her about her relationships with other species.. "There was this one time when I was jogging & a 'talking' feral cat followed me all the way home, I will never forget that..." Following this, I shared with her my recent experience of flagging at a very young grey cat to get out of a busy road with hand directions to run to the right & how awed I was that the cat followed my direction by running to the right.. I asked Scott about his relationship to nature, more specifically his trapping & how he deals with the animals he traps & he said point blank- that he follows the European, aka iron trap tradition of trapping animals. No native nostalgia or practices, whatsoever.. Scott finishes up a masculine looking dream catcher, with chili red & silver grey beading & a sparkling Hematite heart in the center of the web & I let him know that this is for a loyal, uniquely intelligent & creative friend of mine from South America.. I hand Stephanie a small electronic owl that meows like a cat as a gift & Scott informs me that "if you see an owl close to your house it is either a very bad omen or someone will die, so you kill it, you must kill that owl.." Scott & Stephanie review the final of this article & are very pleased.. & this is when our last meeting at Arcadia comes to a close.. Depending on their schedule or mood any buyers or collectors can expect to learn a great deal from them in conversation & they are willing to share discussions as a part of relating their work to others.. Stephanie is open to more curiosity & interviews from interested parties, on the other hand Scott is not interested & will refuse any other interviews or any type of contract, but he is open to sales of his work. Let's say that his best interests are vested in Stephanie.. They don't like to use phones & are happily liberated from the internet, but they can be found by word-of-mouth or are often camped out working nearby Arcadia, Hard Times Cafe, the Cedar & Riverside, &, Cedar & Washington areas, or at Bullwinkle's up on Washington.. Seek them out, they won't tell your fortunes, but you will sure get a sense of where you have actually been.. Image: A ledger art depiction of Haokah by the Lakota artist Black Hawk. c.1880

Saturday, October 19, 2013


What if life is really just a Spielberg movie? As in the film: The Close Encounters of The Third Kind.. A man, Roy, is suddenly inspired by ‘mysterious signs’ which seem to point to some kind of ‘holy grail’ & ultimately he decides to escape his domestic life.. He meets up with an equally ‘inspired’ single mother who’s son was abducted by ‘aliens’. They both rebel- against ‘big brother’ & government control to reach their holy grail- the top of Devils Tower National Monument. It is the top of Devils Tower- where secretly, the government is really our friend & in contact with ‘god’ or/aka ‘aliens’...... In Spielberg’s western (& french cinema influenced) world, consumers- are dreamers & artists who actually believe in these signs & grails of other, beautiful life forms & possibilities speaking just to us- (aka the magical & healing touch of E.T’s glowing finger, time travel, immortality & a future filled with advanced A.I technology & computers)... & the government & the discovery of these ‘signs & beautiful & meaningful grails’ present us with the ‘spiritual & intellectual’ opportunities in life that we are ‘truly’ meant to achieve & experience.. Roy in Close Encounters finally meets with magical E.T’s & is chosen to voyage into space.. & in a ‘Spielberg World’ we envision that these types of ‘grails’ must be out there in some shape or form, hidden within our consumer landscape- & finally- once uncovered, these ‘signs’ will offer us rescuing & an escape from the material world we have created. &, we are so convinced——— that even with the daily decimation of the environment-, unimaginable human rights violations, our extremely shaky economy, our own superficiality, ignorance, hypocrisy & denial, that somewhere—, in this system, our holy grail: Devils Tower, E.T, time machine, computer wizard, or sacred iconoclast will come to rescue us & show us the way.. Or, what to buy.. HAH!!?? Don’t forget.. (sketch from 2010 catalog of sketches)

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Surveillance Ghetto

The Fractured Observer (The Fractured Eye): the fractured observer's creation of what I call 'the surveillance ghetto' coming soon......
"Every human being has stages of psychological & physical development which are being forced into the 'hyperrealization' of the schizoliberal.." "& there is another purpose to the surveillance ghetto & that is in the creation of 'climate change destinations' states & regions which are less effected by climate change & intended to be resource & technologically focused & rich, Illinois, Wisconsin & Minnesota will become 'climate change destinations'." Cosmological Civics Between Communicating Observers In The Surveillance Ghetto: Ecocidal Swarm Intelligence as it relates to Schizophysics & Toxic Primitivism (nostalgia for waste) & The Schizophysics of The Image in The Image Economy & The Informant Economy. (c)

Monday, April 29, 2013

SPEECHLESS - Does a suicide know itself?

Global carbon dioxide levels set to pass 400ppm milestone

The concentration of carbon in the atmosphere over the next few days is expected to hit record levels

John Vidal

The Guardian, Monday 29 April 2013 15.32 EDT

MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY Hawaii's Mauna Loa observatory, where record CO2 increases are being documented. Photograph: Richard Vogel/AP

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached 399.72 parts per million (ppm) and is likely to pass the symbolically important 400ppm level for the first time in the next few days.

Readings at the US government's Earth Systems Research laboratory in Hawaii, are not expected to reach their 2013 peak until mid May, but were recorded at a daily average of 399.72ppm on 25 April. The weekly average stood at 398.5 on Monday.

Hourly readings above 400ppm have been recorded six times in the last week, and on occasion, at observatories in the high Arctic. But the Mauna Loa station, sited at 3,400m and far away from major pollution sources in the Pacific Ocean, has been monitoring levels for more than 50 years and is considered the gold standard.

"I wish it weren't true but it looks like the world is going to blow through the 400ppm level without losing a beat. At this pace we'll hit 450ppm within a few decades," said Ralph Keeling, a geologist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography which operates the Hawaiian observatory.

"Each year, the concentration of CO2 at Mauna Loa rises and falls in a sawtooth fashion, with the next year higher than the year before. The peak of the sawtooth typically comes in May. If CO2 levels don't top 400ppm in May 2013, they almost certainly will next year," Keeling said.

CO2 atmospheric levels have been steadily rising for 200 years, registering around 280ppm at the start of the industrial revolution and 316ppm in 1958 when the Mauna Loa observatory started measurements. The increase in the global burning of fossil fuels is the primary cause of the increase.

The approaching record level comes as countries resumed deadlocked UN climate talks in Bonn. No global agreement to reduce emissions is expected to be reached until 2015.

"The 400ppm threshold is a sobering milestone, and should serve as a wake up call for all of us to support clean energy technology and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, before it's too late for our children and grandchildren," said Tim Lueker, an oceanographer and carbon cycle researcher with Scripps CO2 Group.

The last time CO2 levels were so high was probably in the Pliocene epoch, between 3.2m and 5m years ago, when Earth's climate was much warmer than today.